Monday, January 24, 2005

Arystoteles i Aleksander

Wykład z filozofii jest hitem II roku studiów w językoznawczych w Instytucie Językoznawstwa UAM. Na ostatnim, dr Sikora powiedział:

Bo to właśnie Arystoteles intelektualnie zapładniał Aleksandra Macedońskiego.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Wolność z ograniczeniami

B. Schwartz w artykuleSelf-Determination napisał o wolności, która wypływa z ograniczenia językowego:

The capacity to use language is perhaps the single most liberating characteristic of human beings. It frees people in significant ways from the temporal and material limitations that afflict other organisms. People can say anything about anything, at any time, or in any place--even things, times, and places that have never existed--and they can be understood. Therefore, language is probably as vivid an embodiment of human freedom and self-determination as anything. But what decades of research on language ability have made clear is that the thing that makes the liberating features of language possible is that language is heavily constrained by rules. The reason people can say anything and be understood is that they can't say everything. It is linguistic constraint, in the form of these rules, that makes linguistic freedom possible.
[from: Schwartz, B., Self-Determiantion, p.81]

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Złota zasada: nie rób tego, czego nikt nie wymaga

Złota zasada głosi:

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. [za L. Lessig, Free Culture, p. 103]

A tak, całe przedpołudnie zmarnowane!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Dzień bez kawy

Wczorajszy dzień był pierwszym dniem bez kawy w nowym roku. Zobaczymy jak będzie później.